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  • #1232589


    My problem is:

    I have a double button on a page with #megrendeles and #tobbinfo.

    I named the sectons also where I want them to lead, however they do nothing.

    #tobbingo works on PC but not on movile device.
    #megrendeles works nowhere,.

    Please help me, ive been trying to figure out whats wrong for a week now 😱

    Thanks a lot!




    1- “megrendeles” is not working because you have two anchor points on your page with “megrendeles” ID. One is the ID of your button row element other one is yellow Color Section below. Please edit your button row element and give it a different ID.

    2- Could you please create temporary admin logins and post them here privately so we can check the issue with “tobbinfo”. Nothing seems to be wrong about it :)



    Hurray you are right! Thank you very much!!! 💓💓💓 #megrendeles works now 🙏

    #tobbinfo has two “tobbinfo” sections. One for mobile amd one for pc.. maybe thats the problem?

    Thanks a lot in advance!



    I’m not understanding that last part? What do you need help with?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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