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  • #997706

    Hi guys,

    Can you just tell me how to take a plain Google Maps embed cod and make it full width without having the pay for the Google API. Thanks!


    Are you really going to have 20000+ impressions per month? Can it just be static?
    Just set a threshold so you dont surpass $200/month

    Look at its free


    Hi hylandgraphics,

    As @aribann pointed out, there is little chance that you will ever have to pay for Google Maps. If if you don’t want to add your billing details then you can always screenshot the map and use it as an image and link to the actual map. That will likely help the speed of your site as well.

    Best regards,


    I see what you mean now. I registered the API key but it is still not working. I really prefer the standard embed code from Google anyhow. I just want to stretch it full screen in a container. I know I have done this before. How can I do this in Enfold. See the shot below. The map at the bottom should be full screen with a simple embed. Thanks for your help!


    I just used a single cell with no padding. There is still a bit of padding on top and bottom but it is now stretched full screen. Any idea on how to get rid of that padding? Thanks for your replies!


    No problem


    Can you tell me how to remove the tiny bit of padding on top and bottom? You can see it in the link. Thanks!



    Thanks for the feedback. Please try this in Quick CSS to remove the margins:

    .page-id-224 #av-layout-grid-2 .avia_textblock p {
        margin: 0 !important;

    Best regards,


    Dear Rikard – i think a screenshot is not a good advice. This seems to break the copyright of google.
    Screenshots (even it is concerning to the api images):
    Private use on the Internet: not permitted
    Commercial use on the Internet: not permitted
    If you use Screenshot of maybe Google Earth: then you could get into copyright conflicts with third party providers (satellite operators etc.).



    Thanks for sharing @guenni007, much appreciated.

    Best regards,


    The code worked like a charm, thank you. Also a screen shot would really defeat the purpose of getting directions which even in Enfold with the API, I do not see the ability for directions unless I am missing something?


    you can alway have a link to a routeplaner – without any api

    <a href="''/Weber,+digitale+Dienstleistung,+Ludwig-Schopp-Stra%C3%9Fe+27,+53117+B (Email address hidden if logged out) ,7.0581663,14z/data=!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x47bee1bd23796923:0x7fcf775f84623228!2m2!1d7.05482!2d50.75646" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Routenplaner</a>

    Just look for your location in Google Map – make your settings ( zoom , centering, etc) – copy the link from the browser Url on top and put it as link target.

    boardsoft changes these links with @
    but this will work too: Route Planer

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