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  • #847832

    I’m not sure what’s more annoying; the fact that none of your code solutions work for displaying the mobile(burger) menu on the Enfold theme or the fact that your support is awful.

    I have posted multiple times with no solutions at all. I’ve combed through the enfold thread multiple times and have tried every single code there is to try but the mobile burger menu still does not show up.

    As developers, we have clients who expect functionality, look and feel to NOT change on theme updates.

    I am now in the process of switching all of our enfold sites over to the divi theme from because it does NOT break on updates and is a far more stable and supported theme framework that you can make thousands of looks from one theme.

    I’m sorry, but this is absolutely pathetic that your developers clearly see all the support requests but have not updated to make it work. Possibly they just don’t know how.


    Ah keyboard warrior.

    As developers, we have clients who expect functionality, look and feel to NOT change on theme updates.

    We’ll if you are all developers why not go and develop your own theme rather than moaning?? I think you may mean designers, the two job roles are very different.

    With a near 5 star rating on Themeforest and around 133,521 sales I beg to differ that Enfold is awful, and so to would 133,520 other customers.
    Just because your particular issues hasn’t been resolved to your liking doesn’t make the support awful either. There are plenty of themes that leave you to you own devices and offer no support.

    From my experience of using the theme the mobile menu has undergone a big change in order to keep it looking fresh and improve it. This did mean coding changes and inevitably some css changes and behaviors of the old menus were lost.

    Any competent designer would have back read the change logs for the new release and been aware of these changes. It is best practice to ALWAYS do a full site back up before any update, just in case. This gives a nice roll back in case anything breaks minimizing down time. If after the update you found the new menus not to your liking or functioning correctly you could just load up the back up and wait patiently for a fix.

    I’m sorry, but this is absolutely pathetic that your developers clearly see all the support requests but have not updated to make it work. Possibly they just don’t know how.

    As you are so clearly able to, maybe you could enlighten them on how best to solve the issue??



    Oh TJ,
    A reaction to my action… too bad it’s not from support.

    I was forced into this theme, would never have purchased or used it. And yes I can absolutely roll back but it was always on the 4.1.2 theme not the older theme. So your suggestion there does not work. If I’m going to find an older theme, reload it and then re-style, I might as well just use a theme framework that does not break.

    This, by the way is not the only Enfold issue I’ve run into without a solution. But having a 5 star rating is subjective to the 500K support issues as opposed to 11K support issues with almost the same amount of purchases between the two theme frameworks.

    Tell me TJ, do you have a fix for this or are you just running your mouth?



    We are aware of the problems in 4.1.2 and we are working hard to get them fixed. We’re sorry that you haven’t gotten help that is up to your standard. Hope that Divi will serve you better.

    Best regards,


    Oh deb,

    More a reaction to your reaction. Not a very mature move to berate the theme and team and then state “better” alternatives.
    Why were you forced into this theme? Did someone make you pay for it at gun point?

    Ah yes good point. If you came to the theme for the first time at a version that had menu issues, then a roll back wouldn’t work.

    From looking at your topics created, you have run into two issues. One with the burger menu and the other with a third party calendar plugin. I don’t know but I would imagine it virtually impossible to create a theme that works with EVERY plugin. The theme works on it’s own merit. If you then install a plugin that “breaks” things, I’d say the plugin is at fault and not compatible… not the other way around.

    From looking about the forum yes there have been issues with the burger menu. Many a mod has openly said this and they have apologised. They have also stated many times that the devs are working on a solution.

    As with mot people you have chosen figures that back up your claim. There are in fact 100,381 open support topics. The figure of 551,587 is the total post replies. Within that 100k number there will be duplicate posts and posts that aren’t really support issues. It is easy to fudge figures as you wish.

    I am not running my mouth. I have never stated I know all the answers. You intimated that the reason the issues were not fixed was because the devs didn’t know how. I simple threw that back over the fence to you. I’d be happy to take a look and see if there is a work around.


    ** EDIT **

    It would appear that the issue is sorted now as the menus are appearing correctly. I did notice the break point for the burger menu needs to be increased. Two main menu items overlap the logo when shrinking the screen size.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by tjswarbs78.


    @debcikovic: We’re very sorry to hear about this. We repeatedly stated that there are major changes in the menu script and also provided steps to fix any issue that you may encounter. A lot of the reported issues are due to the empty mega menu columns which are mistakenly used as actual menu items, some are due to cache and custom modification. Please note that the mega menu columns are intended to separate menu groups or sets inside the mega menu. Anyway, almost every users fixed the menu issue on their own after a simple menu restructure and theme option (Main Menu and Header) reconfiguration.

    If none of those things fixed the issue, we also provided the latest menu patch in the enfold\js\avia.js file.


    Best regards,


    DebCikovic – I honestly feel sorry for whomever hired you to design and/or develope their website. Your level of ignorance is as breathtaking as it is obvious. Eesh!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by scottwgraves.

    Dear scottwgraves – you should have just left that old unspeakable subject in the closet. Look at the date of the thread – obviously the lady still stayed with Enfold; the links within the oversized collection of support requests – after all already 5 – are all still enfold pages.



    I don’t think it will do anyone good if we keep this thread open, so I’ll just close it for now. Have a nice day everyone

    Best regards,

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