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  • #1451663

    Hey there,

    I built a few pages, and suddenly a few of them are not available – a 404 is shown.
    The Main Page works, but for example the “portfolio” Page does not work . Even though I put it on “public”.
    As soon as I set it on “draft”, its possible to see the preview.

    Does someone know what the Problem could be?
    I already tried so many things and nothing worked.



    Hey Monika,
    Your pages look like they are password protected with the plugin Password Protected even logged in I can’t find the password and the pages don’t display the password option, it looks like a conflict, try disabling all password protection and disabling this plugin and see if this helps.
    Enfold Support 6117

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike, thank you!

    Sadly , deactivating the plugin did not help.
    Could there be something else?


    I have not seen this before, but when I disable all of your plugins the /portfolio/ page works correctly, see the screenshot in the Private Content area.
    Try disabling all of your plugins and then reactivate each one individually and reload the page until you find the conflict.

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike,

    sorry but after deleting all my additional php, deactivating all my plugins, changing my permalinks:
    It works.
    it works even after I am changing everything back again! :D
    Makes no sense at all but it works!

    thanks anyway!



    Great, I’m glad to hear that you got things working. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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