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  • #993297

    Hi. Come 5.0 (or even now), if we enable the Gutenberg Editor, will we be able to use the Avia Builder and see its elements within the builder as before? Or will we have to install the classic editor plugin in order to see the Avia elements and use them?

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by phillipikoo.

    Hey phillipikoo,

    The Enfold layout builder will stay as it is, there will be no change to it at all. To begin with, we won’t support Gutenberg within the layout builder.

    Best regards,


    So would it be fair to say that upon release of 5.0, we would have to sintall the Classic Editor (TinyMCE) in order to use Avia?


    Please see this post, I think it will help explain

    Best regards,

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