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  • #386311

    Before the last update it was possible to create a homepage without a sidebar. Afterwards now you must have a sidebar on the homepage. Why isn’t it possible to create a homepage without sidebars??? Please help.


    Hi dekoff!

    Thank you for coming back.

    If you open the homepage from the WP Dashboard->pages for editing you find a section “Layout” with a select box “Layout”, where you can select “No Sidebar”.

    Best regards,


    Same issue here with a fresh install of 3.0.7. There is no option for “No Sidebar” in the Layout Box, it’s just Default Setting (Set in Enfold options) or Sidebar.
    Saving one of the demo pages (which appears nice without sidebars) results in a page with sidebar and no option to remove the sidebar after saving a first time.

    Edit: This other topic solved the problem, had to add the PHP code to the top of the functions.php. Seems to have something to do with the translations…

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by ginoheetkamp.


    Glad it worked! We will keep the thread open for the OP. Please feel free to start a new thread if you have any other questions or issues


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