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  • #301129

    I looked around in this forum but I didn’t find anything about that.

    I developed a site with your great template but now my customer asked me to put something like a <div> overlay (opacity 0.4) that should cover all the masonry-gallery in the page I posted below.

    As you can see there is a little form before and that should be visible, I need to overlay just the gallery, can you tell me where I have to insert my <div> in your code?
    I searched a lot but I can’t figure out how the tamplate builder works.
    Thanks in advance

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by maxmanner.

    Hi maxmanner!

    Thank you for using the theme.

    Do you mind providing a screenshot of what you’re trying to do? You can edit config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > masonry_gallery.php.

    Best regards,


    This is my actual page:

    and I need to insert an overlay <div> with some text inside of it like this:

    It should disappear when you click or scroll down the page.

    Can you just put me on the right way?


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by maxmanner.
    This reply has been marked as private.


    The masonry gallery is surrounded already with 2 divs:

    class = “avia-builder-el-9”
    id = “av-masonry-1”

    If you go to masonry_gallery.php line 254 you find:

    $masonry_html = $masonry->html();

    Try to replace this with:

    $masonry_html = '<div .......    >';
    $masonry_html .= $masonry->html();
    $masonry_html .= '</div>';



    Thank you Gunter,
    I added your code and it creates the div in the right position but if I add a background-color via css it foes’nt work.
    I need to create an overlay effect with some text inside, could it be because of the position?
    I’m sorry but I need some more helo if you can.



    Try to change the z-index of this div to a high value and add !important to your CSS settings:

    z-index: 1000 !important;
    width: 100%  !important;
    height: 100%  !important;



    I did it… but nothing changes.
    If I use the Chrome’s developers tools I can see my div with the right css but nothing changes on my page.
    It seem like something cover it but neither with a higher z-index it works.
    I’m going crazy!
    Thank you for your answer aniway,



    This particular request usually falls beyond the scope of support but please remove all your modifications then add this on functions.php:

    function script_add() { ?>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    	jQuery( ".av-masonry" ).prepend( "<div class='av-masonry-container-overlay'></div>" );
    	var masonryh = jQuery('.av-masonry-container').height();
    	var masonryw = jQuery('.av-masonry-container').width();
    	jQuery('.av-masonry-container-overlay').css({ width: masonryw, height: masonryh});
    	jQuery('.av-masonry-container-overlay').click(function() {
    		jQuery('.av-masonry-container-overlay').css({ 'opacity': 0,  'z-index': 0});			
    	jQuery(window).scroll(function() {
    		jQuery('.av-masonry-container-overlay').css({ 'opacity': 0,  'z-index': 0});			
    <?php  }
    add_action('wp_head', 'script_add');

    Add this on Quick CSS or custom.css:

    .av-masonry-container-overlay {
    display: block;
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 9000;
    background: rgba(0,0,0,.5);
    opacity: 1;

    This should add an overlay on top of the masonry element. Any additional features should be done by yourself or by a freelancer developer.



    you’re great. it was more than I ecxpected.
    Thank you so much!

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