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  • #844902

    Hi there :)
    I am trying to display content of another on a several pages. This is how I am trying to do this:

    PAGE A
    Here, the main content is stored, build with the ALA (Avia Layout Architect). I set up some custom shortcode inside text blocks (code blocks are not working with custom page templates).

    PAGE B (C, etc)
    No content is set here. I set the page template to a custom one. The custom page template then tries to get the content of PAGE A, execute the shortodes (this is neccessary bc. the content for the shortcodes is inside PAGE B set with advanced custom fields).

    The Problem:
    No content is being displayed as long as the ALA is activated on PAGE B. With the ALA deactivated on PAGE B, I get the content and the shortcodes are being executed. However, all content appear outside #wrap_all #main (side note: a sticky sub menu is being used, directly AFTER that element inside the source code, thing start to mess up).
    Also the autop function seems to be doing its thing again?

    The Custom Template
    is basically a copy of the template-builder.php with some change to the content ID which is referencing PAGE A (also ACF).

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by kraftjungs.

    Hey kraftjungs,

    Sorry for the late reply!
    I checked your page and disabled ALB and updated your page however i cannot reproduce the issue. Have you figured it out already? :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,
    thanks for the reply – no worries. I actually found a (dirty) workaround by using scripts. The problem itself does still persist. Since we are heavily developing right now I would like you to review this as soon as I can revisit this particular problem. Would that be OK?
    Best regards,


    Hey Martin,

    Sure, we will keep the thread open and will wait to hear from you. Thread will be on hold until you reply :)


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