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  • #26511


    What’s the best way to display a Category of Posts in a thumbnail table format on a Page? In other words, I want to have a table (3x?) populated with the Feature Image and Title of a list of Posts that match a selected Category. I’m thinking of using a Portfolio, but I am having problems with getting it to work (even a simple list). If this is not the solution, I don’t want to waste time, at this point, to resolve the issue (I’ll figure it out later).




    You can try the “Post Slider” element. The latest update introduced an “offset” function which allows you to “skip” a certain number of posts when you query posts from a category. So if you want to build a grid with 3x? posts add several post slider elements to your layout, select “3 columns” and “3” – “Entry Number”. Then you need to configure the offset. The first slider element must have an offset of 0 (deactivate offset). The next slider must skip the first 3 posts so you need to set the offset to 3. The next slider must skip 6 posts because the first two sliders already show 6 posts of the category and so on.

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