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  • #979037

    Hi there guys…
    So, I’m using a horizontal gallery on my site and wanted to display a hover effect, showing the Title and Alt Text of the picture which is being hovered… Just need help showing those informations – the positioning and style I’m almost sure that I can do by myself ;)

    Also… Is it possible to decrease a little bit the zoom of the selected image on the gallery?

    Thanks guys!


    Hey scaico,

    This is possible, but sounds like you would need to utilize a bit of javascript to pull in those values to the front-end. This goes a little beyond what we can do here in the support forums, but I would look into how this would be possible via JQuery/JavaScript.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Got it, Jordan…
    Will look into that, Thanks!



    No problem at all my friend. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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