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  • #203313


    normally it’s no problem to use polldaddy for little polls in any given WP post. In an older Blog of mine it works perfectly fine:

    Now I wanted to build a little poll in my new blog where I’ve installed the Enfold Theme ( ). Unfortunately it’s not possible to make the poll daddy poll work… I’ve tried to copy the Java Script of the poll in the “Text Mode” of the post and also tried the Polldaddy Plugin. Nothing worked…

    Sorry – I’ve fixed it on my own by using the WP Shortcode instead of the Java Script.

    Merry Christmas

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 12 months ago by Yigit.

    Hey coverport!

    Glad you figured it out! Let us know if you have any other questions or issues. Merry Christmas! :)


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