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  • #658691

    I have the Enfold theme (fully up-to-date), WooCommerce (fully up-to-date) and Event Tickets Plus (fully up-to-date) and I am unable to view the ticket information (the plus/minus buttons, quantity field, and Add to Cart button) on any page when the Enfold theme is active. If I activate a different theme, the ticket information shows up properly, so I’m assuming this is a theme conflict. Do you have any idea how I can fix this? A sample page that should have a ticket on it is here ( and the ticket should be visible directly above the black footer section. Thanks for your help!


    Just FYI, I found that by changing the theme, and then copying the HTML from the correctly-generated page, then adding a “code block” and re-applying my original theme, I could get the tickets section to show up. So, technically with the Enfold theme active, the tickets are purchasable on my pages, though when any other theme is active there are two ticket sections now (one from my code block and the other generated from the Event Tickets plugin). I still need help with this though, because this is pretty hacktastic as-is. Thanks!



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Please switch to the default editor if you intend to use the plugin for pages. It’s NOT going to work with the advance layout builder because the builder is using another template called template-builder.php file to render the page. Or ask the plugin author what callback function to use so that we can add it in the template.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for getting back to me. I have an open thread with them, so I will ask them about the callback function since I’d really like to be able to use the advanced layout builder on these pages.



    Ok, thanks for the feedback. We’ll keep the thread open in case you should need any help from us.



    Alright, here is the response I got from Tribe about the callback function:

    “By the looks of it, it sounds like the callback function they are looking for would look something like:
    add_action( ‘some_theme_hook’, array( Tribe__Events__Tickets__Woo__Main::get_instance(), ‘front_end_tickets_form’ ) ); ”

    does that help?



    Thank you for the info.

    Please edit the template-builder.php file then look for this code around line 45:

    $content = apply_filters('avf_template_builder_content', $content);
    	echo $content;

    .. below add this code:

    do_action( 'ava_after_content_ticket' );

    Edit the child theme’s functions.php file, look for this code:

    tribe_etp_move_tickets_purchase_form('ava_after_main_title', 10);

    Replace “ava_after_main_title” with “ava_after_content_ticket”.

    Best regards,


    I have the same problem (I want use advance layout builder).
    I am looking for this phrase: tribe_etp_move_tickets_purchase_form('ava_after_main_title', 10); in child theme’s functions.php but I cannot find it.
    I am using child which you recommend
    I cannot find this phrase also in enfold functions.php file.
    What can I do?
    Thank you in advanced



    The user added that line in the child theme’s function.php file. Please try to add it in your own child theme’s functions.php file using the “ava_after_content_ticket” hook.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael
    I’ve added tribe_etp_move_tickets_purchase_form('ava_after_content_ticket', 10); into my child theme’s functions.php file, but I consider it should be another code I have to add also because my instalation break down.
    When I can find that code or manual how to do that?
    Best regards

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