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  • #1082939

    I have run in to a problem. I am trying to use the Advance Layout Editor in the blog post and it works great. The problem I am running in to us when it displays the blog it doesn’t show the category or date like I will like it to. If I use the blog posts without the Advance Layout Editor the category and date displays like it should.

    How do I make it so the category and date will be displayed when using the Advance Layout Editor?

    Your help with this is greatly appreciated, I have gone cross eyed trying to figure this out.

    I asked this in a previous post but I didn’t notice the date wasn’t included until after the thread was closed. The title of the previous post mentioned category but not date, the date was mentioned in the paragraph are though.

    I just need the date added, the previous thread worked great. Here is the link to the previous thread:

    Thank you.


    Never mind, I found a work around.




    If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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