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  • #1432840

    We have been using enfold for some time but at the moment we are experiencing something I never saw.

    Imagine you have a page with 10 objects. This has been working for a couple of months. You are redesinging it, adding some objects. It looks nice. You preview it….alright.

    Now lets update/save the page….it saves….refreshes the page….a couple of object dissapear.
    this is not happening always, but pretty often. Looks to be on live only…cannot reproduce it somewhere else.

    Any one got a clue, eperience in this?


    Hey Deef,

    That happens when there are open html tags in the content, please check for anything like that just before the content starts disappearing. If you should need further help, then please include admin WordPress details in private and let us know on which page you are having problems on.

    Best regards,

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