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  • #1357179


    raised an issue with disabling or changing the srcset implementation for sliders where a min height and stretch image are set.

    Is there a difinitive answer on how to do that and did any of this make it into core?

    I have the same problem on nearly all of the sites that use an above the fold full width slider.

    The wrong image is selected based on the viewport width rather than the width of the image or the min height.

    Ideally I’d like to insert a solution into functions.php so I do not have to copy files specifically relating to the slider into the child theme.

    if you have any input on this (even if it is just instructions on how to disable srcset for a specific slider) it would be greatly appreciated.


    Hey Thomas,


    added: theme support avia_show_alb_responsive_image_option – activates feature to deactivate responsive images in single ALB elements

    This adds new options to the “Performance” Toggle.

    Can you check if this helps?

    To functions.php:

    add_theme_support( 'avia_show_alb_responsive_image_option' );

    Best regards,



    Thank you for this. Does exactly what I needed it to.

    On launched today – The Full Width Easy Slider on the home page no longer uses Srcset.

    Because I have uploaded a compressed image and use EWWW to produce a WebP version and further compress the Jpg version there is no impact on speed and performance. 95/100 under lab testing.

    Really pleased with the outcome thankyou.

    I’ll enable this feature on a few of the other sites that use the same element on the home page.



    Great, I’m glad that Günter could help you out. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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