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  • #721894


    For this project (see PC) we use the Megamenu. As you can see we have main menu items with one sub-level. At the moment there’s a mouse over action that shows the sub-level. How can I get rid of this?

    What we like to have is that a visitor first has to click on -let’s say- “Ik zoek een medewerker” (second menu item) and then goes to that specific page with the sub-level of that menu item showing. So instead of on “mouse over” something like “on click”?

    You advice is much appreciated!




    Hey steviger,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    It’s possible but you have to modify one of the parent theme files. Edit the js > avia.js file, look for this code around line 1246.

    currentLink.bind('mouseenter', function()

    Replace it with:

    currentLink.bind('click', function()

    Best regards,

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