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  • #168801

    Hi, is there a way to disable the mobile drop down menu? I am using the slide out menu and the drop down is misformatting other mobile drop down menus I use on the site….


    Hey uniquelylost!

    Can you post the link to your website?



    This is a picture of how it looks on android mobile-

    This is how it should look on android mobile-

    You will only be able to view the misformatted drop down menu in the picture from a mobile device, I took the screenshots on an android.

    Site URL:

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by uniquelylost.


    Please add following code to Quick CSS to remove mobile menu

    .responsive #top .mobileMenu { display: none!important; }

    What i see when i resize the window and when i look at your screenshot are totally different. Frankly, I do not know how we can provide you custom CSS to fix it



    Yeah resizing on desktop won’t work it has to be viewed on a mobile device…. Css won’t work… what I really want to do is comment out the mobile dropdown menu in the PHP code, can you tell me where I could locate that?



    On your WordPress theme directory, please go to Enfold folder and open Header.php file and find following code in line 8

    $headerMenu = $responsive ? avia_get_option('header_menu','mobile_drop_down') : "";

    and comment it out

    //$headerMenu = $responsive ? avia_get_option('header_menu','mobile_drop_down') : "";

    Best regards,


    I updated latest version, then I can’t see the mobile menu…

    I fixed header and added css but it is not working.



    Please post the link to your website @ygshim
    This topics creator wanted to remove mobile menu, so that CSS code will not work for you :)

    Best regards,


    hmmm I’m still left with my original problem, something in the theme is conflicting with the formatting even when I comment out that call in the header, and if I add CSS display:none; to remove the mobile dropdown menu it removes the menu thats being misformatted that I need as well. Not really sure how to debug this problem on a mobile device…..

    Misformatted on android-

    This is how it should look on android mobile-

    Site URL:

    Any ideas what else I can try to fix this?



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    I will play around with it, but why don’t you use bbPress instead of Simple Press?



    I chose to use simplepress because I am using it on a community type site and in my opinion it is far more feature rich than bbpress. Also, simplepress new mobile theme is probably the best mobilized forum I have ever seen. Now If I had been creating a support forum I probably would have just went with bbpress.

    Thanks for your help of looking into it!



    Please review your website. Do you have mobile themes installed? You can manage them in Forum > Themes > Mobile Phone Theme


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    This is how i see it on my iphone when i change the mobile theme
    Changes i make in Quick CSS has no effect on mobile version of the theme. You should check their documentation or contact author of simple press


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