For GDPR reasons we can not have videos that are hosted on Youtube or Vimeo playing in a lightbox on our sites.
We therefore just put an image that looks like a video player on our pages and link it to the video on these platforms.
We then make sure to select the option to open the link in a new window.
The user clicks the image, a new tab opens, and the video is shown on the external site.
Usually, this works great. But now we have found that Enfold opens some videos in a lightbox anyway, instead of opening the new window and loading the page.
For example:
The link to this video works as expected: https://vimeo.com/evdhbe/ophalenschoudersbijtopje
But when we put a shorter link the lightbox is activated instead: https://vimeo.com/329693635
You can see the wrong behavior on this page: https://enseignantmode.be/remplacer-la-fermeture-a-glissiere-dans-une-veste/
The link on the image should open a new window, but instead, it opens a lightbox to play the video anyway.
This page works correctly: https://enseignantmode.be/reprendre-les-epaules-dun-top/
Is there any way to force manually set links to open in a new window as requested?
Hey Amazingdominik,
Thank you for the inquiry.
Try to edit the video or image element, then add the “noLightbox” class name in the Advanced > Developer Settings > Custom Class field. This should prevent the lightbox from activating.
Best regards,
Ok, thanks. That worked!
I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon