Hi there!
I know that this is probably not your styling issue and also something very easy to fix but I need your help as I am unable to locate the css issue!
I have the “Cookie Notice” plugin enabled and the styling of the notice on the homepage is different from all inner pages!
In the home page the buttons “CLOSE” and “Read More” appear on the left but in the inner pages the same buttons appear on the right of the notice text.
We want them to make appear always on the right of the text but i can’t figure out what is different in the css for the homepage only.
Could you please have a look and suggest something?
Issue resolved!
Just figured out that the css issue had to do with the float value of .woocommerce-page .button
Hey George,
glad you could solve it. Let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to the theme. We are happy to assist you.
Best regards,