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  • #736013

    I’m not sure if this is a bug, but we get different results depending upon browser for our site’s News Posts. We would like to show the latest news Posts on our News page the way it works on Chrome, but for some reason older articles (both by publish dat as well as edit date) are being pushed ahead of the latest news Posts?

    See the provided link which shows the results in Chrome and FireFox (both on Mac) as well as what the Posts list on the backend looks like.


    Hey lzevon,

    That seems like a caching issue. Can you please try flushing cache and refreshing your page a few times after making changes?

    Best regards,


    No, of course this is the first thing I try. I made a video showing you how it loads in Chrome and how it loads in FireFox as an example. I show you that I am clearing the cache in the FF example to no avail.


    OK – instead of making sure the user clears cache, I’ve prevented this page from caching using W3 Total Cache and it seems to be working. Please close.

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