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  • #986343


    I’d like to use, only for a fixed screen ratio, another logo in the mobile-version of my website.
    Could you help me finding a way to implement this?

    Kind regards,
    E. Monaco


    Hey E. Monaco,

    We’ll try to help you with it.
    What are your target screen sizes or devices? this is possible with css.

    Best regards,


    you mean something like this:
    for making a difference between highresolution screens – like apple retina displays ?

    function av_change_logo_url($url){
        if (window.devicePixelRatio >= 2)
            $url = "";
        else {
    		$url = "";
        return $url; 

    by the way – there are some jQuery scripts which did that job for you.
    if there was an image with same name but with a given suffix ( guenni2.jpg versus (Email address hidden if logged out) ) and the pixel ratio is more than 2 it will show the alternative image.

    you can see it here:

    the image on the left is the same resolution as the guenni2.jpg but i renamed it to guenni1.jpg
    on the right there is the guenni2.jpg – if you look to that right image on retina displays the better resolution image is shown. ( (Email address hidden if logged out) )



    Thanks for sharing and helping out @guenni007. Did you try that out and did you have any luck with it @emonaco?

    Best regards,


    Hello all,

    I was more thinking about different logos when the website is in a landscape resolution than when it is in a portrait resolution.

    I’ll take a look on your answers and will come back to you.

    Thanks and best Regards,


    okay it’s alright, i found my solution, using javascript and css media queries.

    Thanks for your help :) !



    Great, glad you found a solution and thanks for the feedback. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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