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  • #1205331

    Hi @yigit,(NOT Victoria!)
    i need for only one particular page a different footer than on all other URLs.
    I dont want to use a plugin for it.

    What i did sucessfully:
    1: i created a custom page template “page-example.php”
    2: i called the custom footer via get_footer('example);
    3: i created a custom-footer-template “footer-example.php”

    it works fine so far – but now i need to call the widget area i want to be displayed in this footer.
    I guess it needs some edits on line 138 if (function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') && dynamic_sidebar('Footer - column'.$i) ) : else : avia_dummy_widget($i); endif;
    But what exactly?

    Or do you have a code to put in my functions.php to override?

    kind regards Maren

    EDIT: I also tried another way: Not showing the footer.
    So i reduced the “footer-example.php” down to this:


    WHY are all images gone in my megamenu now??

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Maskenzauber.

    Hey Maskenzauber,

    Instead of doing this with code, maybe it would be easier if you selected to not show the footer on the page in question, then build the footer using the Layout Builder instead? If you still want to import content as widgets then you can use the Widget Area element.

    If you need further help then please post a link to where we can see the results you are getting.

    Best regards,


    Good idea…i missed the possibility of disabling footer/socket on an individual page basis.




    Did you need additional help with this topic or shall we close?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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