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  • #1464592


    I made this code in child theme, but footer is not changed in this page. If use this code on footer.php after $post = AviaCustomPages()->get_custom_page_object( ‘footer_page’, ” ); line. It’s work. I checked id = 11812 and it enter the statement, but footer not changed.

    This page I use different footer: but load deafult footer page.

    function ava_before_page_in_footer_mod($post, $id) {

    if($id == 11812){
    $post = get_post( 12616 );
    add_action(‘ava_before_page_in_footer_compile’, ‘ava_before_page_in_footer_mod’, 10, 2);


    Hey teverkovo,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The ava_before_page_in_footer_compile hook is added to allow you to insert additional content before the custom footer. It cannot be used to display an entirely different footer. To specify a different page to display a custom footer, you’ll need to edit the footer.php file directly.

    Best regards,


    Does it necessarily have to run via the functions.php?
    You could also make the selection in editor mode on the right side in the layout on the corresponding page ( to not display a footer or page. And then either manually – or insert another page at the bottom using the post content element.

    By the way, I no longer see this ALB element in the selection in Enfold 6.0.3.

    Edit: OK – it is now on layout tab ( before it is inside content tab)



    Thank you for the info @Guenni007!

    Best regards,

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