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  • #497348


    I’ve tried several times to install the Startup Business Demo. Unfortunately it didn’t work, among other things, no images were sent.
    As recommended I installed the WordPress Reset Plugin and removed the incorrect Demo import. Can you guys have a look what’s the problem?

    Many thanks in advance!

    Best wishes,



    I’m having the same problem. I have tried multiple times since yesterday to upload Startup Business and One Page Portfolio; neither will work. I keep getting a message that says to restart and retry.



    Please try to increase the allocated memory to 128M:
    You can contact your service provider and they can do it for you.



    Hi Yigit,

    setting up the wordpress memory limit in config.php to 128M as you have recommended didn’t work. I’ve tried to set the memory up to 256M as well, but still the same problems as described above. Setting up the php.ini memory_limit to 256M doesn’t work as well.

    Do you have another idea? Thanks!





    Are we allowed to delete your current content and try importing ourselves?




    yes sure, thats ok. for me!





    I tried logging in but the details don’t seem to work, could you check please?




    sorry, after reseting with WordPress Reset, your account was deleted as well. I’ve set up a new one… now it works!




    Thank you, it’s working now. I tried importing but I ran into problems as well, could you check that you uploads folder has the correct permissions please? It’s seems uploading images does not work at all even when going to Media–>New.

    Best regards,



    the permission for the uploads folder is set correct. Oddly enough other Demo imports are working. The Problems are only by uploading the Demos: Business Start up, One Page Portfoloio, Married and Church… the other Demo uploads are working fine…

    Best regards,



    It still doesn’t explain why uploading a new image displays as a broken image along with the imported ones? It seems like something strange is going on with your installation but you could try to overwrite the theme files with a fresh copy from your Themeforest account via FTP to see if that helps:




    unfortunately that doesn’t help :-( … is there an alternatively way to download the included Demo images? Some images are possible to download from your demos with the right mouse button, but some images (for example from the colorsections) are not possible to download them with the right mousebottum…




    Yes, please link to the pages/sections you would like and we’ll give you links for the images. You could try to activate debug mode:, after that we can give you the shortcode for each page of the demo you cannot import for you to paste into a new page to see if it works that way? Please link directly to each page you would like to import.

    Best regards,



    I’ve activated the debug mode. First of all please send me the shortcodes for Business Start up and One Page Portfolio, to see if that works.

    Thanks in advance!!

    Best regards,



    Let’s try with the One Page Portfolio first:

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    unfortunately that didn’t help as well. No images were added. Could you please provide me the Links to the images that I can download them manuell?




    You can get free stock photos from the following site and use them as placeholders.

    // Home

    Best regards,

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    Hi ravinderkumar14,

    The login details you posted are not working, please check and verify.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Ravinder,

    Thanks for that. I see that the PHP ZipArchive Extension is turned off on your server, could you try turning that on please? You might need to reach out to your hosting provider in order to do that.

    Best regards,

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