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  • #793356


    I’ve just installed the theme and imported “default” demo data, but I miss some pages, menu item etc… For example, in HOME I don’t have the final section with “IN CASE YOU NEED HELP” labels, some pages are missing, contact page is not working the same etc… would you please have a look?


    Hey gtartaglia,

    Please check the link you posted. A 404 error is being produced.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Sorry… here you find correct URL


    Did you check?



    Yes we did.
    Please ask your hosting provider to increase php memory limit to 256M and then try to re-import
    Let us know if that will work out for you.

    Best regards,


    Basilis, you didn’t check carefully… php memory limit is ALREADY set to 256M… how long I have to wait again? I really need to have my website like in the demo



    Reset your WP settings and then try again. You might need to import it more than once, until it works fine. Your server might want to increase “php execute time”.

    Best regards,


    I’m sorry, but you reply to this ticket without do ANY investigation on my end. If you did, you had seen that during importing, after few seconds you have the successfull message and page refresh, that’s why there is no problem with the import by itself. This is what I’m telling you since the day before yesterday.
    The problem is that home page is not the same then in the default demo (see the last section before footer, for example), some page have missing content (see contact page), some pages are missing and menu is not show like in the demo.
    Now, please, I ask you to do the import for me, and have my website like in the demo.
    You already have my WP details, also please check FTP details in the private content.



    Thank you for the update.

    Something went wrong with the import process or it stopped abruptly. Please reset the database then redo the import.


    Best regards,


    Again… what do you not understand???

    1) there is NO ERROR during import, I have successfull message
    2) did you investigate on my end, logged into my WP?
    3) I repeated import like 15 times
    4) I repeated import on 3 different hosting
    5) every time I did a WP reset with the plugin
    6) never the import process was stopped abruptly

    At least fix my contact page, at least… it wasn’t imported. Anyway, your support is very, very disappointed…



    I have used wordpress reset to reset your site, and have imported the default demo and it was successful. Hope it’s all good.
    Features and Headers in the menu aren’t included when you import it since it’s just there to showcase the features of Enfold and show different headers available. :)

    Best regards,

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