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  • #521072

    I purchased an Enfold license and now my site is saying the demo expired. I had to restore an older version of my site to get it back up but I need to ensure this doesnt happen again. Where am I supposed to put my purchase code in? The template that was built had a demo version of Enfold and I need to make sure we keep the look and feel the same


    Hey StaffingReach!

    I am getting “Your access to this site has been limited” error. Do you mind posting FTP access as well?



    If youre outside of the US i think we have a block on it. Whats your IP i can whitelist it.



    Can you please reupload enfold?
    IS that possible?



    It is, but what difference will that make? I uploaded it when I first
    bought it. Did you get into my account?



    I successfully activated the latest version of Enfold on your installation. You are going to need to reconfigure theme options unfortunately as it seems like you were using an illegal copy.
    I have not deleted old copy just in case you made changes on theme file. You can find it wp-content/themes/techsearchold. You can feel free to remove it if you have not made any changes on it.


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