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  • #807908

    I have added padding values ​​within the layout of some cells. I need these values ​​to go back to zero when the site is viewed by mobile. How can I do? Thank you.


    Hey Paride,

    Can you post a link to the page mentioned? and also point us to the right cells with modified padding so we can try to give you a custom css code that should work.

    Best regards,


    Hello Nikko, the link is https://www.parides.it/k2/ if you scroll up to the “our history” section on your browser it’s okay, on mobile you realize that the padding has a value left to 120px On mobile does not work.



    sorry the section name is “La nostra storia” :-)



    You would need to use

    and modify the elements to work as per your requirements.
    If you do not know how to use Media Queries, please consider to hire a freelancer to help you out.

    Best regards,

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