Hi there, I’ve looked all over this forum to try and find an answer to my issue.
I’m trying to have the Avia Layouts work with my CPT.
I watched that Vimeo video on how to turn Avia on in a Custom Post Type (the advanced editor and layout meta box), within the meta.php file, and it worked for me. The custom post type is being created by a plugin: Responsive Timetable Schedule.
The advanced editor works, but the following elements aren’t working:
– The featured image is not showing up like the featured images on the top of my blog pages
– The layouts aren’t working – when I choose “no sidebar”, nothing really happens. And when I choose a different widget box, it doesn’t show up. The only widget box showing up is the one the CPT is creating.
Here’s the post page I’m referring to: http://www.inthesoil.on.ca/events/joe-lapinski/
Any help would be great!
Hey yummyrec!
You probably need to modify the cpt templates of the Responsive Timetable Schedule plugin. I’m not familiar with the plugin and I can’t assist you with the customization but I recommend to use the wp-content/themes/enfold/single-portfolio.php and wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/loop-portfolio-single.php templates as starting point and to create a new, custom cpt template for your “Responsive Timetable Schedule” cpt based on the portfolio templates.