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  • #587344

    Hi Team Kriesi,
    i have full-width desktop and the default grid for category archive pages is 3 columns. How can i change it to 5 or 6 columns (feature pic is just too big in fullwidth).



    I’ve recently change the archive page from a 3 column grid to a 4 colomn grid by editing the archive.php

    On line 105 (it may not be the same on all readers) change the ‘columns’ => 3, to what ever you like. I would image 5 to be the highest value as the theme uses a max of 5 columns.

    Hope that helps a little :)


    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by tjswarbs78.

    works, but this changes also the columns in smaller breakpoints. Is there a chance to just change the view for min-width:1024px.



    Please make the changes and then let us know so we can provide you custom CSS code :)

    Thanks! :)

    Best regards,


    and please.
    thank you.



    Sorry for the late reply!

    Please add following code to Quick CSS

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
    article.slide-entry.flex_column {
        width: 100%;
        margin-left: 0;
    a.slide-image { background: transparent !important; }

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,
    looks good and works. Thank you.

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