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  • #413558

    Suddenly (after last update) the height of the submenu voices became incredible tall. ho can i reduce via quick css?
    Site is:

    too much height


    Hi Nicola!

    Please refer to my post here –



    Hi Yigit, sorry for not have seen that post before.
    Now on ENG site your code solved the problem, but it doesn’t work for the ITA(ltalian version)! How can it be possibile? Do I have to do something more than adding our code (I also deactivated the shrinking option for logo)



    Please go to Enfold theme options and change the language to Italian and then add the code to Quick CSS field in Italian version as well. That should work, if not, please post a temporary admin login here privately so we can look into it :)



    I did it that way..

    I gave you admin access

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Please review your website now :)



    perfect now. Could you please me tell me which modifications you did in order to understand and lighten your work in the future?



    Nothing special actually. I changed height to 150px to match your custom header height and re-saved in both languages and that worked :)



    ok thanks.
    I have to highlight two more bugs :
    1) probably cause of the new color scheme introduced in v 3.1 it happens that i lost my font color values of Footer secondary font color for all section (they became green, now i manually corrected them). I happened 2 twice for me…

    2) I lost my modification for the TripAdvisor social button in headed, and i don’t know why… Please refer to this post. I lost my icon and also the title became again the default Vimeo.
    thanks for any help



    It seems like you do not have functions.php file on your child theme and code is not inserted in parent theme’s functions.php file. Updating must overwrote it. Can you please re-apply the changes? :)



    holy sh*t! :)

    please tell if these steps are correct:

    1) I copy the file function.php (/wp-content/themes/enfold/functions.php) into my child theme folder
    2) I add your code into this file

    doing this way I will never loose my modifications after future them updates.

    Am I right?



    You do not need to copy whole functions.php. You can simply create a new file called functions.php and add php opening tag inside it


    Then you should add the codes posted on the other topic :)



    I did it.
    Here is the code of my functions.php into my child theme folder

    But i received the error

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function dd_filter() in /htdocs/public/www/wp-content/themes/enfold-child/functions.php on line 3

    line 3 is:
    dd_filter('avia_filter_social_icons', 'avia_social_icons_title');


    Full code is:

    dd_filter('avia_filter_social_icons', 'avia_social_icons_title');
    function avia_social_icons_title($icons) {
    	$i = 0;
    	foreach ($icons as $icon) {
    		if($icon['social_icon'] == 'vimeo') {
    			$icons[$i] = array(
    			'social_icon' => 'trip advisor',
    			'social_icon_link' => $icon['social_icon_link']
    			); break;
    		} $i++;
    	return $icons;


    Please find ‘dd_filter’ filter in your code and add ‘a’ in front of it so it reads “add_filter”. You copied the code incorrectly :)



    sorry :(

    Now All is ok but the icon. I see the pencil icon and not my trip advisor icon



    Have you applied this part as well

    Look for the trip advisor icon on then upload it using the Enfold > Import/Export > Iconfont Manager. Select the Trip Advisor icon inside the Social Profiles panel.

    Best regards,


    As I wrote, Tripadvisor icon doesn’t exist, so i create my own and upload to fontello and then downloaded as fonts. Then i uploaded using the Enfold > Import/Export > Iconfont Manager , but after that I cannot find it in my social profile…

    custom font
    No profile

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by niguli.


    From what I remember, you change the icon with css modifications. Did you create your own trip advisor icon? This is the css code:

    #top .social_bookmarks_vimeo {
    background: url( no-repeat center !important;
    #top .social_bookmarks_vimeo:hover a {
    background: url( no-repeat center !important;


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