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  • #1394563

    Hello everybody.
    I’m having issues with forms that are created through Dynamics. Unfortunately, when I insert the form into the site page using the appropriate “code block” section, the whole page then takes into consideration what is written in the html code of the form. For example text alignment or box shadow behind buttons. Although the html code on Dynamics is written correctly, I don’t understand why the site page takes the same style.

    Anyone know how to fix?
    If you need more information, feel free to ask.

    Thanks in advance for your answers.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Andrea.

    Hey Andrea,

    We do need more information. Posting a link to where we can see the actual problem would be a great place to start.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    thanks for your reply.

    I forgot to insert the link to the page. You can find the sample page below. As you can see, in the sidebar of the blog on the right there is a contact form for subscribing to the newsletter, this form also affects the form for leaving a comment under the blog post and also affects the search button which is in first place in the sidebars. There must be a way to “close” this form without affecting the rest of the site. In addition, the Cookies section is also deformed at the bottom left.

    Do you think it can be solved?




    Thanks for that. So I guess you are referring to the form element CSS? You could try to put this in front of it, if you only want to only target the widget in question:


    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    unfortunately I can’t insert this code you wrote because the code I used was created by Dynamics and it’s like this:
    <div data-form-block-id=”———-“>< /div>
    <script src=”—————“></script>
    <div id=”—————“></div>
    <script src=”——————–“></script>
    <div class=”———-” style=”display: none;” data-website-id=”————” data-hostname=”——————–“></div >

    Where you see this sign “—” private informations are written, but still Dynamics provides me with this code that I then have to insert on the site wherever I want via the code block. However, this code affects the other forms on the site and the cookie pop-up.

    I’d like to “close” this code so that each form doesn’t affect the other.

    I tried to add #text-9 in Dynamics where the HTML section is, like this:

    form {
    padding: 22px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    float: left;
    width: 250px;

    Everything seems to be working fine on the page I shared with you, however the cookie pop up at the bottom is still bigger than before.

    Also I tried to add this code also in the other Dynamics modules in the site but it doesn’t work.

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Andrea.


    The code you posted will only target the widget in question, with the ID text-9. If you need to target other forms, then please try to specify where and how.

    What would you like to change on the cookie banner?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Really thanks for your help.

    I share with you another page where there are the two forms.
    At the bottom of this page there is one form for subscription and one for the contact. The first one should be aligned to the left and the second one should be aligned to the center. As you can see the second one is already centered, but if I aligne the first one to the left, also the second one will aligned to the left, and I don’t want that.

    About the cookie banner, it should be smaller than now and you can see that on the second link I shared.

    Let me know if you need anything else.




    Thanks for the update. Please assign a custom class in the element options to the column which contains the form which you want to align to the left, then add CSS like this in Quick CSS:

    .name-of-your-custom-class form {
      float: left;

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Perfect, now everything works well!!!

    Thanks for your time and your support.

    Best regards,


    Can I ask you another thing?

    Is it possible to edit the button below the “leave a reply” section in each blog post? Exactly where it’s written “post comment” (Please check the page I shared)

    I would like to give it the same style as the other buttons on the site.




    Yes, that should be possible. Could post a link to where we can see a button which you want it to look like please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I would like to have the red button style with the red drop shadow like everywhere in this page.

    I would also like to change the labels where it says Name, email and website. In the form to leave your comment. (second link)

    Let me know if it is possible.


    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Andrea.


    Please try this CSS as well:

    .form-submit #submit {
        background-color: #ec1f24;
        border-color: #ec1f24;
        color: #ffffff;
        border-radius: 20px 20px 20px 20px;
        box-shadow: 0px 8px 20px 0px rgb(236 31 36 / 60%);

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    It works, thank you so much.

    And for the cookie banner, can you do something for that?
    I would also like to change the label where it says “email” in “emailadres”. In the form to leave your comment. (link below)

    Please let me know :)



    That looks to be coming from a plugin, so we can’t help out with that unfortunately. Please try referring to the plugin documentation or support.

    Best regards,



    Ok I will contact them.
    Another question, would you know how to change the label where it says “email” in “emailadres”? In the form to leave your comment in blog post. (link attached)



    I’m not sure to be honest with you, what is generating that form? Is it a plugin maybe?

    Best regards,



    No it’s not a plugin. No is by default from enfold. It’s the option to leave a comment.



    Thanks for the clarification, but I can’t see a comment form on the page you linked to?

    Best regards,



    Sorry, now you can see the comment section in this link.




    Thanks for that. Those fields will change depending on which language you have set under Settings in WordPress. If you don’t want to change your WordPress language, then you can try a plugin like this to translate the string:

    Best regards,

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