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  • #1437818

    I have included the date picker in a contact form.

    It displays as d/m/Y, but I would prefer if it were m/d/Y (US local site). WP General settings are m/d/Y.

    How/Where can I change it?


    Have you adjusted the settings here to suit your needs? : on Dashboard – Settings – General – “Date Format”

    if that does not work – try in your child-theme functions.php:

    function new_date_format() {
      $date_format = "m/d/y";
    return $date_format;
    add_filter('avf_datepicker_dateformat', 'new_date_format');

    and if you like to influence the placeholder text:

    function new_date_placeholder() {
      $placeholder = "TT / MM / JJ";
    return $placeholder;
    add_filter('avf_datepicker_date_placeholder', 'new_date_placeholder');

    PS: for Formatstring see: https://wordpress.org/documentation/article/customize-date-and-time-format/


    Thanks for the response.
    yes, Dashboard – Settings – General – “Date Format” is using the intended setting.

    In my ideal world I would try and avoid a child theme (I have not used them in any of my over 10 sites using Enfold).

    Is there an option to use Quick CSS?


    no chance to get it with quick css.

    there are possibilities to insert that snippets in parent theme functions.php – but on every update you will loose those changings.
    See enfold functions.php file on line 1011ff – there is a comment :

     *  register custom functions that are not related to the framework but necessary for the theme to run

    So if you want to get by without a child theme and don’t want to incorporate the changes every time you update, there are plugins that can embed code snippets. f.e. https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/code-snippets/

    I always install a child theme, so I can’t help you with that.

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