I have this code in the child theme functions.php file and it is not changing the date format.
add_filter(‘avf_datepicker_date_placeholder’, ‘new_date_placeholder’);
function new_date_placeholder() {
$placeholder = “DD.MM.YY”;
return $placeholder;
add_filter(‘avf_datepicker_dateformat’, ‘new_date_format’);
function new_date_format() {
$date_format = ” dd.mm.yy”;
return $date_format;
Can you help me so it is mm / dd / yyyy?
Hey blizzmarketing,
Thank you for the inquiry.
Did you adjust the $placeholder and $date_format values in the filter? Please try to use the following code.
add_filter('avf_datepicker_dateformat', 'new_date_format');
function new_date_format() {
$date_format = "mm / dd / yy";
return $date_format;
add_filter('avf_datepicker_date_placeholder', 'new_date_placeholder');
function new_date_placeholder() {
$placeholder = "MM / DD / YY";
return $placeholder;
Best regards,
That worked, thanks!