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  • #728098

    I have added the following code into:

    $author_id = $entry->post_author;
    $author_url = get_site_url().”/author/”.get_the_author_link();
    $author_name = get_the_author_meta( ‘display_name’ , $author_id );
    $meta .= ‘ by ‘.$author_name.”;

    $meta .= “</div>”;

    And it is showing the date and author below the post (see Private for link) except for one post. I have tried recreating the post and it is still not working.

    Can you give any advice on how it pulls this information and what other areas I can check to see why just this one post is not working?


    Hey ryan_boomstreet,

    That is because the first post is on a different access point.
    We can help you if you provide us backend details.

    Best regards,



    Thanks for getting back to me, I was unable to reply due to the forums being closed for Holidays. I’ve added a login for you and put it in the private area. Please let me know what you find.



    Did you modify any of the theme files? Please update the theme to version 3.8.4.

    Best regards,


    There are some modified files in the child theme.

    Enfold has been upgraded to 3.8.4.


    How can I change the access point the post is on? I am not sure exactly what you mean by that.



    I checked the site again today and every posts have the author info. Is this fixed?

    Best regards,


    no the post titled “Squash + skinnypasta = a new mom’s dream meal” is still missing date and author for some reason.



    I tried logging in to have a look at the post you mentioned, but the details don’t seem to work anymore?

    Best regards,


    User account has been re enabled. Same creds as before.



    no the post titled “Squash + skinnypasta = a new mom’s dream meal” is still missing date and author for some reason.

    Yes, I didn’t notice that. My bad. I’m not sure why it doesn’t have the date info. Have you tried to delete it then re-create it from scratch? Make sure to delete it permanently in the trash to avoid minor slug or url conflict. And what happens if the plugins are deactivated?

    Best regards,


    I tried deleting and deleting from trash then re creating it from scratch.

    It still doesn’t the date just for that post. Is there anything I should be looking for about that post specifically or in the database?



    If you want to check the database, look for the _posts table, search for the ID of the post then check if the post_date and post_modified columns are set. Is this the only post with the issue?

    Best regards,


    Hey sorry for not getting back sooner. We had some major upgrades that were done to the site and I wanted to see if that fixed the issue.

    Unfortunately we are still having the issue. It seems that it’s always one or two posts that have the problem.

    I have checked the database and both fields are populated (see attached screenshots) and let me know if you need anything else or what I can do to get the date to show up.


    Also this is the code in the postslider.php file

    if($show_meta && !empty($excerpt))
    $meta = “<div class=’slide-meta’>”;
    if ( $commentCount != “0” || comments_open($the_id) && $entry->post_type != ‘portfolio’)
    $link_add = $commentCount === “0” ? “#respond” : “#comments”;
    $text_add = $commentCount === “1” ? __(‘Comment’, ‘avia_framework’ ) : __(‘Comments’, ‘avia_framework’ );

    // $meta .= “<div class=’slide-meta-comments’>{$commentCount} {$text_add}</div><div class=’slide-meta-del’>/</div>”;
    $markup = avia_markup_helper(array(‘context’ => ‘entry_time’,’echo’=>false, ‘id’=>$the_id, ‘custom_markup’=>$custom_markup));
    $meta .= “<time class=’slide-meta-time updated’ $markup>” .get_the_time(get_option(‘date_format’), $the_id).”</time>”;

    $author_id = $entry->post_author;
    $author_url = get_author_posts_url( $author_id);
    $author_name = get_the_author_meta( ‘display_name’ , $author_id );

    $meta .= ” by $author_name“;

    $meta .= “</div>”;

    if($blogstyle !== “elegant-blog”)
    $output .= $meta;
    $meta = “”;



    Please post the FTP details in the private field so that we can check the postslider.php file.

    Best regards,


    It is working now did you change anything?



    Odd. I didn’t do anything to the site. I just added a dummy excerpt to the post but I still can’t see the post meta info when I checked the page that’s why I asked for the login credentials. Anyway, I’m glad that it is working now. :)


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