Hallo zusammen,
beim scrollen der Seite hüpfen die Hintergrundbilder in den Zellen.
Seite (ballettschule-laskiwitt.de)
Das passiert nur beim Microsoft IE und Edge in Firefox scrollt alles normal?
Habe erst gedacht liegt am Cache und diesen gelöscht sowie das Plugin ausgeschaltet
hat nicht geholfen nutze WP Rocket.
Weiß jemand woran das liegen könnte?
Hey IngW,
When u enable WPRocket, do you have also our optimization enabled?
Best regards,
Hello Basilis,
I tried both with Enfold Performance Settings and without
(CSS file merging and compression, Javascript file merging and compression and so on…) off with WP Rocket.
I also tried everything off (Cache cleared, WP Rocket, Smart Slider 3 Pro, lazy load turned off and Enfold Performance Settings off,
update latest version Enfold 4.5.4)
The same result under win10 Edge and IE 11 when scrolling the page, the background images are jittering.
Under Win 7 and IE 11 everything is ok ?
Best regards,
Hello Basilis,
Please have a look at the video, so you can see what I mean.
It seems that the issue is only related to IE, is that correct?
Best regards,
Hello Basilis,
Yes that happens only on with Win10 IE 11 (11.904.16299.0) and Edge (41.1699.820.0) under Win7 IE 11 scrolling is OK.
I took the freelancer demo as base.
I’ve found the problem also exists with the demo.
I uploaded a video, see link.
Thank you for reporting. I can see the issue is on the Windows browsers – we will have to investigate it a little bit more, but it can also be a functionality that is not supported on those browsers.
Best regards,