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  • #1142017

    Any plans on implementing Dark Mode to Enfold?

    I start seeing some sites that when the computer, phone or tablet changes to dark mode based on location, the website also does. Of course you need to implement this and I am about to do it.

    I want to ask first if that is something planned for Enfold, so I will wait if that is the case.

    If not, do you recommend a way to implement it?



    Hey peterolle,

    Not sure if anything is in development natively, but there are plugins available:

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    and the script could also implemented (darkmode.js)

    but all uses mix-blend-mode – and that is something not all browser will support.
    See here a quick embedding via child-theme functions.php:

    function add_darkmode(){
    <script src="https: (Email address hidden if logged out) /lib/darkmode-js.min.js"></script>
    	new Darkmode({ 
    		bottom: '64px', // default: '32px'
    		right: 'unset', // default: '32px'
    		left: '32px', // default: 'unset'
    		time: '0.5s', // default: '0.3s'
    		mixColor: '#fff', // default: '#fff'
    		backgroundColor: '#fff',  // default: '#fff'
    		buttonColorDark: '#100f2c',  // default: '#100f2c'
    		buttonColorLight: '#fff', // default: '#fff'
    		saveInCookies: false, // default: true,
    		label: '🌓', // default: ''
    		autoMatchOsTheme: true // default: true
    add_action('wp_footer', 'add_darkmode');

    now there will be a little button on your page.: see here (not totaly styled):

    the script toggles one class to body ( #top) : darkmode–activated – so you can use it for styling your changings on activate state.
    it now depends on your page what to style – and what mix-blend-mode you use.


    Hey Guenter,

    Awesome! Thanks for sharing.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    this is a small script of 6kb – you can host it on your server ( on GDPR Reasonst might be better ) – then you can split those child-theme functions.php entry:

    function darkmode_js_script() {
        wp_enqueue_script( 'Darkmode', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/js/darkmode.min.js', '1.4', true );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'darkmode_js_script' );
    function add_darkmode(){
    	new Darkmode({ 
    		bottom: '64px', // default: '32px'
    		right: 'unset', // default: '32px'
    		left: '32px', // default: 'unset'
    		time: '0.5s', // default: '0.3s'
    		mixColor: '#fff', // default: '#fff'
    		backgroundColor: '#fff',  // default: '#fff'
    		buttonColorDark: '#100f2c',  // default: '#100f2c'
    		buttonColorLight: '#fff', // default: '#fff'
    		saveInCookies: false, // default: true,
    		label: '🌓', // default: ''
    		autoMatchOsTheme: true // default: true
    add_action('wp_footer', 'add_darkmode');

    dear peterolle – if you have seen my testpage please tell me because i want to switch back to the status before.
    PS : on Impressum Page you can see that you can ignore elements.
    The top section is dark on default – so : #av_section_1 {
        isolation: isolate;

    will do the trick


    Yes, you can remove it, thank you for sharing.

    I will continue looking for a solution and hopefully someone from Enfold team can share if this is planned.

    I am looking for a complete integration, full site, and if course that needs a lot of CSS for adapting everything. If I spend a month doing it and then Enfold has the feature, I rather wait.

    Thanks again.


    Hi peterolle,

    Well, I forwarded it to the dev team. Maybe it will be considered sometime in the future, but I am not sure it will be soon.

    Best regards,

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