Is there a way to add a 1 column top row in addition to the existing footer’s x number column row that will only display on the home and blog archive pages? For example to create a footer-custom.php and have it only load on the home & blog archive pages? What’s the best way to do this?
Thank you,
Hey sdbroker!
Thank you for using Enfold.
If you can provide a screenshot, it’ll help. Maybe, you can just add a color section at the very bottom of the home and blog page. Insert the content there. Or edit footer.php then use conditional tags is_archive() and is_home(). Refer to this link for more info: http://codex.wordpress.org/Conditional_Tags
Hey Ismael,
I didn’t think of using a conditional tag on the footer.php. Thank you very much for the suggestion. It works as I wanted.