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  • #1473372

    have added a new widget with functions.php to make it 100% width bcs the page width is fixed.
    Now, i need to place a google map iframe same way as widget BUT this map widget should by only added to the contact page .. hwo do i need to create the function?

    This is what i used for the prevoious one:

        function avia_above_footer(){
        dynamic_sidebar( 'CTA-Footer' );

    What should i replace to generate another 100% widget block above this one but only in the contact page?
    (When i use this code, the page breaks.)

        function avia_above_footer(){
        dynamic_sidebar( 'Maps' );
    • This topic was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by xeovision.

    Hey Sebastian,

    You could try using the is_page conditional:

    Best regards,


    hmm .. i am looking for a add_action snippet like this one:

    add_action( 'ava_after_content', 'enfold_customization_category_widget_area' );
    function enfold_customization_category_widget_area() {
    	if (is_page(3416)) {
    	  dynamic_sidebar( 'Maps' );

    the code breaks because function names should be unique! if you got “avia_above_footer” twice in your child-theme functions.php it will come to conflict.

    If you rearange your codesnippet above you see the similarity of your codes:

    function avia_above_footer(){
        dynamic_sidebar( 'Maps' );

    now you see that you can use the same conditional usage of your “ava_after_content”
    to avoid having a similar function name you can rename the one function – or simply combine both rules in one function.

    function avia_above_footer(){
        dynamic_sidebar( 'CTA-Footer' );
        dynamic_sidebar( 'Maps' );

    you can now wrap the one of those lines inside a conditional setting:

    function avia_above_footer(){
    	dynamic_sidebar( 'CTA-Footer' );
    	if (is_page(3416)) {
    		dynamic_sidebar( 'maps' );

    I usually use this type of notation using a function name to help me remember what the function is supposed to do. However, this also requires a meaningful function name. Something like : insert_widget_before_footer
    Note that the function names are separated by an underscore.

    You can also use a notation that makes a function name superfluous:

    add_action('ava_before_footer', function() {
    	if (is_page(3416)) {
    		dynamic_sidebar( 'maps' );
    	dynamic_sidebar( 'CTA-Footer' );

    Incidentally, there are plugins that build conditional logic into widgets. The standard plugin is complex but powerful; another small plugin is more intuitive to use:
    but all these rules the widgets itself and not the widget areas. But f.e. if you have one widget area – you can put in the cta-button and maps widget and determine that the maps widget only is shown on contact page.


    That works perfect.
    Thank you very much for the support and for the explanation.



    Thanks for the update, we’ll close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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