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  • #844081

    Hi dear support,
    i’d like to customize the layout of a single portfolio-entry of the portfolio-list when calling an portfolio-category-URL.
    I found file:
    as well as file
    but didn’t get who is doing what.

    Best solution would be if i could add another list template to the portfolio-layout-selection of the portfolio-grid-element.
    When selecting this, how i am able to influence full the rendering of a single entry?
    (Should get a single columned list with image and text right of it plus button)

    How can i do this all in the child theme (do i have to copy whole class files? To which child folder then?)

    Thank you a lot!

    Cheers, Sam


    Hey subnoodle,
    The single-portfolio.php file gets called if the portfolio item isn’t using the advanced layout editor. When using the regular visual editor then the single-portfolio.php is called for a single portfolio page.
    The advanced layout editor uses the file named “template-builder.php” to render the content.
    For example, the template-builder.php file is used if a fullwidth element (like “Color Section”, LayerSlider, “Fullwidth Masonry Gallery”) is used in the advanced layout. Otherwise WordPress will use the default single-portfolio.php template.
    The single portfolio page uses the single-portfolio.php and the includes/loop-portfolio-single.php file as the main elements.
    When adding your modified file to the child theme, you need to match the folder structure to the parent theme.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    i put now the portfolio.php from folder:
    to folder:
    It does not seem to take my changes from the child theme version. Do i have to include it manually from the child theme’s function.php?
    Thank you,


    Thank you, the information and the further link helped both in combination.
    I can edit now shortcode-file portfolio.php in my child theme.
    Super, Sam



    Great! Let us know if you need anything else. We’ll close this thread for now.

    Best regards,

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