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  • #491205

    I wanted to replace my current theme Dandelion with Enfold, but when I did so the customize menu didn’t appear correct. This was what came up:

    Pexeto’s portfolio posts loader

    Number of posts to show


    The other problem was that all pages that I had created previously became visible in the menu and in the sidebar. I had to change it back to Dandelion because there were sites that I didn’t want people to access.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by innature.

    Hi innature,

    Are we allowed to activate Enfold in order to test?




    Yes please do, but if it look strange please change back to Dandelion.




    I see what you mean, all you have to do to correct the menu after activating Enfold is to go to Appearance Menus and select the one you want to display, also be sure to select that is should be shown as Enfold Main Menu. You might want to copy your site to a staging area if you don’t want to make the changes to the live site.

    Best regards,

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