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  • #716319

    Hi, I have an urgent problem on my site. I have activated Woocommerce and in the last week I worked on the customization of some partrs of Woocommerce.

    Specifically, I added to my child theme functions.php some codex to:
    a) adding to the registration form new fields (first and last name, phone and a custom field)
    b) adding to the checkout form an extra custom field that must be stored in the order_meta and in the user_meta table (to be extracted everytime the same user checks out)
    c) adding some basic avia elements to the shop loop pages (e.g. the pages I obtain when selecting product categories)

    Everything actually was working. At least when I was dealing with point a) and b). Then I had some hard time in implementing point c) and I got great support from you already.
    However yesterday, after completing point c) and added Yith Wishlist Premium to my site, I realized that when I am in the checkout page, only the order summary table appears, but the part related to customer deatils (billing and shipping address + order notes + my custom field) have disappeared.

    I should show my site to the client tomorrow and I tried yesterday to find out which part of the custom functions are in conflict, but I still didn’t solve it. Can you please help me? I add in the private section the access to the site and to ftp
    Thank you very much in advance


    Excuse me, I found the code that was interfering. It was the following

    //add a custom link to the account registration in the checkout page
    add_action('woocommerce_checkout_fields', 'add_registration_custom_link');
    function add_registration_custom_link(){
        if (!is_user_logged_in()){
        $info_message  = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_checkout_login_message', __( 'Sei un nuovo cliente? ', 'woocommerce' ) );
        $info_message .= '<a href="">' . __( 'Clicca qui per Registrarti', 'woocommerce' ) . '</a>';
        wc_print_notice( $info_message, 'notice' );

    I simply deleted it and everything started working again!



    Glad to you sorted this out :)

    Best regards,

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