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  • #1461451

    How can I make the phone number a mandatory field in the customer contact information (store form)?


    Hey tammiviestinta,

    You can set your preferred validation method for each field in the Form Element Validation setting.

    Best regards,


    How/where I can do that?



    You click into each field and look for the Form Element Validation option in the Content tab.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by Rikard.

    I’m not asking of Enfold Contact Form. That validation is easy.
    I need to make the phone number mandatory on the store’s form (WooCommerce). The setting used to be in the Customize menu, but with the new block checkout, the modification is done directly on the Checkout page. However, here’s the problem: the theme (?) forces the Checkout page to use the classic editor. How can I make the phone number field mandatory here?



    Thanks for the clarification. I’m not sure exactly how that works unfortunately, but you can switch to the Block Editor at the bottom of the page under Enfold->Theme Options.

    Best regards,

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