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  • #477406

    Hi, I create a row grid inside a color section, i grab the code, edit it a little and i put this in a new custom widget area. Finally
    i via widget area content element in a page (with advanced layout builder), but it needs 1 css tweak (a gap on the left).
    I try but i do not figure out what css rules i have to change. Can you help me please?


    • This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Josue.

    Please make private previous post. Thanks


    The gap of 50px affect columns width and consequently image size within column and with of the text box. I’ve tried to give negative left margin (-50px) to parent container of flex cell and the result is that first column get aligned with the left edge but content in the columns do not take all the space available (as in the screenshot of the correct result:, Thanks for your help.



    Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    .page-id-4043 .flex_cell {
        padding-left: 0!important;



    Thanks a lot! But now the 50px gap is on the right,
    as shown in this screenshot:
    instead it should be like in this screenshot:
    It should be no gap on the left and right edge, equal gutter between columns and with equal size,
    i do not understand what are css rules to change and why the correct result instead displays fine:

    Please reopen replies.

    Thanks for your patience.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by maryhellensegatta. Reason: Add new details
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