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  • #1144951

    I need to create a new title bar.
    This must be dynamic (decide if it should be displayed, for example on a page or another page), so I would like to insert a new option in the template settings in “Layout”> “Title bar settings”.
    I have to insert a custom html because I have to insert some overlays with images to create a particular effect (HTML is already realized).
    How can I do?



    Hey jexjex,

    Unfortunately, it would require quite some time and customization of the theme to achieve this, so I am sorry to tell you that this is not covered by our support. However, if it’s really important for you to get this done, you can always hire a freelancer to do the job for you :)

    Best regards,


    Good morning, maybe I explained myself wrongly.
    Where can I change the title section?
    So I need to find the file where it generates this code:

    <div class="stretch_full container_wrap alternate_color light_bg_color title_container">
       <div class="container">
           <strong class="main-title entry-title "><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Link Permanente: Blog" itemprop="headline">Blog</a></strong>


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by jexjex.


    You can find it in index.php located in wp-content > themes > enfold (line 25, in Enfold 4.6.3):

    echo avia_title(array('heading'=>'strong', 'title' => $title, 'link' => $t_link, 'subtitle' => $t_sub));

    The avia_title function is located in functions-enfold.php (beginning in line 440).

    Best regards,


    I’m trying to modify the function-enfold.php inserted in the enfold-child theme but I don’t take the changes on this file, while in the parent theme it works.
    How can I solve it?


    While waiting for the other answer, I wanted to understand something else.
    If I make this change I naturally display it on a page of the site, while I have to build a dynamic thing so choose where to display this custom title.
    So I should create a page template and set it where I need it.
    Is it possible to insert the custom title in a template page?


    Hi jexjex,

    Yes, you can create custom templates for more dynamic stuff, but you need to be a WordPress dev to be able to do it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Guys,I tried to explain a bit better, or with other words.
    We wish to give our website a fresh look so we applied an image as background that it is present each time there is a header and footer template.
    (Have a look to img 1 into private content)
    In order to do that we have applied a class to .title_container with a specific backgorund.
    Unfortunately the same image still happen when we choose “no header – footer template” (Have a look to img 2)

    We discovered that changing the template-builder.php at line 41 with the following solved the issue. “if( get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), ‘header’, true ) != ‘no’ && $avia_config[‘template’] != “avia-blank” )”

    Unfortunatelly this is a custom editing inside the parent theme, so not a good situation.
    Any help?
    Is there a way to put this code on child-theme?


    Hi guys it seems the file it works also if it is outside in the child.theme. If you do not have anythings to add maybe we can consider this post closed.



    Great, I’m glad that you got everything working and thanks for the feedback. I’ll go ahead and close this thread for now then, please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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