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  • #1054652

    Kriesi gurus:

    I need to try to adjust the column spacing. This is a color box, and within the color box are four 1/4 columns. In the first column, whether I use “space between columns” or “no space between columns,” it doesn’t change anything, but I need spacing in between the first text box and second code block to make it clear about what description is tied to what boat photo.

    In each of the four columns, I have the following: Code block, Text Box, Code Block, Text Box. The Code block/Text Box go together, 2 boats on a regular screen. I need the Code/Text to be closer together with a larger space in between each boat section.

    Now, the boat photos you see are only 226 pixels wide, so it’s not like there’s a jpg image with a bunch of white space. Each image is cropped to the boat edges.

    Any help is so appreciated.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by bonbuttercup.

    Hey bonbuttercup,

    Can you try using Grid Row in Layout Elements instead of using the 1/4 columns?
    Let us know if this helps.

    Best regards,


    Perfect, much better. Thank you.


    Actually, new issue. Go to this page: I left the 1/4 columns at the bottom and the grid row at the top. When you resize the window, the boats shrink dramatically in the grid row, but don’t in the 1/4 columns. I kind of need the boats to resize the same as they do in the 1/4 columns. Any ideas?



    To bind the boat image with its description text please use the grid element as my colleague Nikko suggested earlier because this type of layout cannot be done using columns.

    In case you like to adjust the width of the grid please check this link.

    Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with the layout you are looking to achieve, we will be happy to help you :)

    Best regards,

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