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  • #976179


    My current Enfold Theme Version Number is 4.4.

    I want add a new social media ico, Kozi Kaza.
    I’ve modified the functions.php, below : if(isset($avia_config[‘use_child_theme_functions_only’])) return;

    // Register new icon as a theme icon
    function avia_add_custom_icon($icons) {
    	$icons['kozikaza']	 = array( 'font' =>'entypo-fontello', 'icon' => 'ue821');
    	return $icons;
    add_filter('avf_default_icons','avia_add_custom_icon', 10, 1);
    // Add new icon as an option for social icons
    function avia_add_custom_social_icon($icons) {
    	$icons['Kozi Kaza'] = 'kozikaza';
    	return $icons;
    add_filter('avf_social_icons_options','avia_add_custom_social_icon', 10, 1);

    and in CSS, i’ve added :

    #top #wrap_all .av-social-link-kozikaza:hover a{

    But it’s not worked… Can you help me please ?


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by misterxaav.

    Hey Xavier,

    I tried the code you used on local server, Enfold 4.4.1, WP 4.9.6 and it works fine.
    Please post us your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend.

    1. Install and activate ” Temporary Login Without Password “.
    2. Go to ” Users > Temporary Logins ” on the left-side menu.
    3. Click ” Create New “.
    4. Add the email address for the account ( you can use (Email address hidden if logged out) ), as well as the ” Role ” making that the highest possible and the expiry about four days
      ( do be sure that we have enough time to debug ).
    5. Click ” Submit “.
    6. You’ll now have a temporary account. Please provide us here in the private section the URL, so we can login and help you out.

    When your issue is fixed, you can always remove the plugin!
    If you prefer to not use the plugin, you can manually create a admin user and post the login credentials in the “private data” field.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi misterxaav,

    Thanks for giving us admin access.
    I was able to select Kozi Kaza which is located at the bottom of the dropdown.
    Though the problem is the icon itself doesn’t show, can you give us ftp access also? since we can’t access Appearance > Editor via WP Dashboard.
    Just post the details in private content.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Excuse me


    Hi misterxaav,

    Thanks for providing ftp access however it doesn’t seem to have access to the site/wordpress files on your site.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi misterxaav,

    Thanks for giving us access to your theme files.
    I have replaced this: fontello to entypo-fontello and cleared the browser cache.
    Let us know if it’s good on your end.

    Best regards,


    Great, it’s good.
    Thank you for your reactivity and your help.

    Have a good day, regards



    Hi misterxaav,

    Glad we could help :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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