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  • #1404649

    Dear Support-Team,

    I am wondering if I could filter the query for tag archives. I am using this code for the masonry element:

    function avia_masonry_custom_query( $query ) {
    	unset($query['post_type']['ABC']); // Custom Post Type "ABC"
    	$exclude_cat = array('category__not_in' => array( 1, 2 )); // Categories by ID
    	$query = array_merge((array)$exclude_cat, (array)$query);		
    	return $query;
    add_filter('avia_masonry_entries_query', 'avia_masonry_custom_query');

    Is there a filter for the blog post element or even tag archives too? I have a certain tag archive with posts from different post types and I would like to strip all posts from one of the post types from the archive.

    Any ideas?

    All the best, Daniel


    Any advice on how to implement a filter for tag archives (see above)? I have a certain tag archive with posts from different post types and I would like to strip all posts from one of the post types from the archive.



    Sorry for the late reply.

    To modify the main query for archive you can use the pre_get_posts filter. An example how we use it to modify the search query is here:

    For the ALB blog element we have the filter avia_blog_post_query.

    Hope this helps you.

    Best regards,


    Hey Günter,

    thank you for getting back to me and thanks for the code snippet.

    So instead of if( $query->is_search ) I would somehow check if it is a certain post type archive instead of is_search – correct? The rest of the code is the same? Could I write something like if( $query->is_tax('test') and later on define which post type is the only one to query in this archive?

    Best regards,



    Definition of is_tax():

    I would say yes, this should be the way (but I did not test it).

    Best regards,

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