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  • #494141

    Hello, I use 3 additional custom post types on my portfolio. Each of them is a WYSIWYG editor field. How can I add advanced layout editor to all 3 of them on one page. Is this possible or can i only have one advanced layout editor on one single page?


    Hi royaltask!

    If your using the latest version of the theme then the layout builder should be displayed on your custom post types as well. Take a screenshot and highlight what is going on so we can get a better idea.



    I use Version 3.2.2 from Juli 2015. Screenshot added.
    Any suggestions?


    Thank you, I could not get it to work for the custom fields within the custom post types. My custom flield is a WYSIWYG Edior “campinfo”. I canged this line as well:
    $meta[‘page’][] = ‘campinfo’; /*instead add the name of the custom post type here*/
    Avia Layout editor is not showing for this custom field.

    I use Types WP.
    Can I have two page builders working on one open page? Maybe this causes not the advanced editor displayed.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by royaltask.

    Ah, no that won’t be possible. ALB can only be enabled on the default TinyMCE editor. There may be some ways to enable it on a custom field but it would require a heavy modification to the theme, unfortunately that’s beyond our support scope. You can request a customisation quote from a third-party provider here.


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