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  • #752629

    I have a custom post up and running.

    The post landing page and single posts make use of the page and single templates and the loop-page.

    Then in wordpress I set the landing page to use the blog advanced layout with the layout set to grid.

    My problem is that on the custom post landing page the excerpt is shorter than that used for the blog, date is not showing and taxonomy does not display.

    On Single custom posts comment form does not display and the layout is slightly different for a single posts, the thumbnail is smaller, inspecting the code the template is slightly different but when checking the php file being used it’s the same as that used for single posts


    Hey geordiemac,

    you’ll lose WordPress’ default behavior when activating ALB for blogposts. With ALB you have all freedom, but you also need to do everything from scratch. If you need WP’s default behavior, then we recommend to use WP’s default editor.

    Best regards,


    However, you can follow this thread here: for a workaround.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy
    Thanks for your help, I have managed to match up the styling and some of the behaviours, my only problem that I can not figure out is how to display the author on the custom post landing page, I tried the method in the link but it’s not quite working?

    On the cpt post landing page I need to display the category and date above each post

    I tried the shortcode method but not sure how to add, is that added manually to every post? Also the post_meta_infos file implementation I couldn’t get this to show, not sure how to include.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by geordiemac.


    Add the shortcode in the functions.php file:


    After that, edit the the post then use the following shortcode:


    Best regards,

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