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  • #476221

    I have created a custom post type in Types, and have it working with the Advanced Layout Builder, and Saved my Layout as a template. Is there any way to apply this to all of my custom post types?

    E.g can I save my Advanced Layout Builder Template into a PHP template in my theme? If so I can then use Types to auto load this on every one of my Custom Posts pages.

    Is there another way of auto loading an Advanced Layout Builder Template for all posts/pages?


    Hey Virtualentertainments!

    open one of your layersliders and scroll down. Next to “Save changes” you see the shortcode and php code for this layerslider, which you can use for your purposes.



    I’m not talking about LayerSlider.
    I am talking about Saving a Custom Advanced Layout Builder template to a PHP Template. Please re-read my question



    There isn’t a way to do that currently. You would have to load it for each post separately.


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